November 17, 2010

New Zealand

I need to get one thing off my chest ... to fellow cruisers planning their South Pacific voyage: New Zealand is NO longer an inexpensive place to have boat work done. There are long faces everywhere from this years cruising group. Not sure if it is inflation, exchange rates or just too much demand. Some of the costs come in weird ways and are unavoidable - like having your electrical system certified (100,if you pass otherwise double) propane tanks certified (40, yes even brand new ones if they are not NZ). Lots of mark ups on all parts etc - a guy needing to replace his engine got a quote with a 2,500 mark up over the U.S. or U.K. - now shipping might be a tiny portion of this but taxes are not as you buy everything tax free as a foreign boater in NZ.

Fortunately, we had lots of cosmetic things but nothing major, we are definitely re prioritizing our work list though.

The adjustment to NZ has been difficult, the relief of safely making it through all the passages, the uncertainty of what you will do with yourself now that the schedule is blank for 6 months, and the cold..... we are freezing. We are also looking forward to the holidays with family back in WA State so a bit distracted and excited.

We have decided to buy a car and go camping as our way of touring NZ, that way we are sure we can get down to the South Island, which otherwise would be a 2,400 mile round trip sail. Used cars are very inexpensive though you are picking up a beater for sure. Ours is a Ford Taurus, wagon, 1996, with 80,000 miles, though clean on the inside for 2,700.

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Anonymous said...

The dollar is weaker now which makes spending overseas more expensive.

Claudita Carito said...

I have been following you from Barcelona, I am inspired of you family!!! Good luck and my admiration to you. Have a wonderful holiday back at home.

Geoff and Pat Craigen said...

Love the "bums" and the new blog look.
Looking forwrd to reading about your adventures in the land of the "All Blacks"

Claudita Carito said...

Hey Family, how are you? I was wondering where are you now, after the Tsunami in Japan yesterday. I hope you are in a safe place.
All my best from Barcelona!

Tx_Paesan said...

We land lubbers want to know when the Duers are hitting the waves again?